Blue NET
BLUE NET workshops in Cahul – Republic of Moldova and Izmail (Ukraine)
On 1st and 2nd of August 2018, UPIR organised two workshops in Cahul – Republic of Moldova and Izmail –Ukraine. Stakeholders from public and private sector attended the events, the topic addressed being the innovation in maritime sector: research and applicability. The events were attended by over 30 participants, representing an increased interest in this area, the discussions being focused on possibilities of addressing the challenges and opportunities of the BlueNet project, within new project proposals. Both events received the support of the Cahul District Council – Mr. Ion Groza- President and Izmail Town Hall – Mr. Andreii Ambranceko –Mayor and Executive Committee of Izmail City Council – Mr. Valentin Stroya – Director.

In data de 14.06.2018 companii din domeniul maritim din Romania, Cipru, Italia, Croatia, Bulgaria si Albania s-au intalnit cu experti si consortiul proiectului BLUE NET, la Larnaca, in cadrul evenimentului World Cafe pentru a schimba idei si cunostinte in domeniile lor de activitate cat si pentru a identifica cu sprijnul expertilor, caille de acces spre inovare pentru satiscaferea nevoilor comune. evenimentul se doreste a fi un punct de plecare in cooperarea firmelor, in special al IMM-urilor, din Marea Neagra si Marea Adriatica.
În calitate de membru al consortiului proiectului, UPIR participa la acest eveniment împreuna cu trei companii din sectorul maritim, TB IMPORT EXPORT SRL Galati reprezentata de dl.Bogos Tudorel, DOCURI SA Galati reprezentata de dl.Catalin Mihailescu si DUNAV SRL Braila reprezentata de dl.Broasca Ionut.
Blue NET Consortium - intalnire in Varna
Blue NET: the European project for networking between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea has started
On the 27th and 28th September it has been launched Blue NET, the European project coordinated by mareTC FVG which has obtained the best evaluation among the 28 proposals submitted on the call “Projects in the context of the Integrated Maritime Policy in the Black Sea and/or Mediterranean Sea regions” (EASME/EMFF/2015/ The call was published by EASME, the Executive Agency for SMEs to whom the European Commission delegated the implementation of part of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund actions under direct management.
The project meets the objective pointed out by EASME of promoting the networking among maritime clusters of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea in the field of specific areas of research, innovation and competitive growth of the enterprises, directly connected to the European maritime policy and the blue economy.
Blue NET involves the Bulgarian maritime cluster MCB, the Cypriot maritime cluster Mar.In.E.M., the Albanian region of Shkodër, The Union of Romanian inland ports UPIR and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of University of Zagreb. The Kick-off meeting has given the opportunity to the representatives of the project partners to plan in details the beginning of activities which will last 24 months and include the involvement of SMEs and research institutions in innovation joint paths.